There are many of Mama's who are feeling the same way I am at this very moment. I have been a stay at home wife & mama for 5 years, I have loved every single minute of it don't get me wrong!
Then comes the part of life no one prepared us for; the going to school. No more children home all day to take care of; the house can be clean for more then 10 minutes at a time, the empty chairs at the bar or the table for lunch time. I do not have my errand running buddy no more. SO MUCH CHANGE. I am one that isn't okay with change. I hate it!
My son, Hank started preschool in August of 2022. We have been out honestly more then in due to staying sick. He is absolutely in love with school, his teacher, his friends, and it breaks my heart when he is having to miss so much! He will be begging me to go to school even with 103 fever.
What do I do now? I tried to go back to work but it didn't work out due to Hank getting sick on my first week with pneumonia and being so sick. We knew I couldn't go take on a 9-5 job right now. I am thankful we decided that; Hank is out again right now with pneumonia again! I want to go back to work. I want to go earn my own paycheck. I want to feel like I am doing something with my life again and not feel so useless.
To me I have no purpose with me staying home now. My husband and son both are off at school or work. I have no reason to be home expect to be here to wait on the next time that Hank gets sick. I feel worthless. I try to overcome these emotions but they just will not go away.
So for now I want to write MOTHERHOOD, FAMILY, COOKING, AND OVERALL HAPPY CONTENT to help others who are feeling the same way! So subscribe to the blog to bring on the fun happy times!